Event: Military Energy Resilience Catalyst [MERC] Reverse Pitch Session


Click to register for the Military Energy Resilience Catalyst [MERC] Reverse Pitch Session.

Please join us for the final in-person event for the 2019 MERC Cohort during the 2019 Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program (SERDP) and Environmental Security Technology Certification Program (ESTCP) Symposium in Washington, DC. The 2019 MERC Cohort is comprised of high-capacity installation support personnel, mission owners, and mission operators that have critical energy requirements or are leading energy resilience projects

What is a reverse pitch?

In contrast to most pitch sessions, where technology providers tout their solutions to potential customers, this “reverse pitch” provides a forum for members of the MERC Cohort to describe publicly their requirements, challenges, and capability gaps. The audience then has a chance to engage with the MERC Cohort directly to co-create new initiatives, opportunities, and partnerships.

How will it work?

In this reverse pitch session, members of the 2019 MERC Cohort will:

  • Demonstrate the progress that they have made throughout the year in advancing their energy resilience project objectives.

  • Provide visibility into the technical requirements they identified, current barriers to project progress, and where collaboration is needed to strengthen energy resilience at the installation level and across the DoD enterprise.

  • Meet with technology and solutions providers to share ideas about overcoming current project hurdles and identify areas for collaboration to support energy resilience requirements.

Why should I attend?

The 2019 SERDP and ESTCP Symposium presents a unique opportunity to convene these communities across the Military Services, share information, build relationships, and begin new partnerships. We hope you will join us for this interactive session and support MERC in its mission to build a community of practice to strengthen DoD energy resilience.

We encourage all attendees to click here and register to attend the 2019 SERDP and ESTCP Symposium.

How to get involved.PNG

About MERC

Converge Strategies, LLC leads the Military Energy Resilience Catalyst (MERC) program in partnership with Idaho National Laboratory and DoD's ESTCP program. MERC is an accelerator program for DoD energy resilience professionals. Civilians and military personnel from installations around the country (representing Army, Navy, Air Force, and U.S. Marine Corps) comprise the 2019 MERC Cohort. As part of the program these individuals are provided enhanced access to energy resilience learning events, energy technology demonstrations, and connections to the MERC faculty, a collection of experts from across the DoD and energy technology.