Resilience - Advanced Energy - Security


Converge Strategies provides services that expand and accelerate markets for advanced energy resilience.


Market Strategy Development

The advanced energy resilience industry is at an early stage. Participants face significant uncertainties related to how to best engage with the market and with one another. Converge Strategies works with public, military, and private clients to position for success within this emerging field. Converge Strategies provides its clients with market characterization services, barrier and opportunity assessments, stakeholder mapping and engagement strategies, and advisory services related to strategic partnerships and alliances.

Policy Design and Research  

A growing number of decision makers recognize the need to forge new partnerships within energy and security communities, and to position for emerging threats. Converge Strategies advises state and local governments on how to efficiently align their advanced energy technology policies and programs with their homeland security and energy assurance planning. Converge Strategies also works with governments, the private sector, and the energy industry to incorporate energy resilience into their investments. From policy research to program design, Converge Strategies creates and implements new pathways for growing energy resilience and advanced energy markets.

Project Facilitation

Resilient energy project development involves customized solutions and high transaction costs. Successful projects require continuous engagement and alignment between many sets of stakeholders with different requirements, funding abilities, missions, and cultures. Converge Strategies provides a suite of services to help resilient energy projects move forward. These include project team building, stakeholder engagement and alignment, state and local policy landscape analyses, and the identification and pursuit of financing.

Convening and Stakeholder Engagement

Converge Strategies is at the center of a new energy resilience innovation network. Whether designing and facilitating complex, multi-stakeholder processes for implementing resilient energy projects, or conducting outreach and training to educate civilian and military officials, Converge Strategies has a strong track record of connecting and aligning different communities around shared interests and requirements.
