Converge Strategies Service

Resilience Assessments and Exercises

Areas of Impact

Civilian-Military Partnerships

In Short

What happens if an entire region goes dark?

We work with communities and utilities to prioritize resilience solutions and find funding.

Why It Matters

  • Utility outages can cascade catastrophically. Power outages can cause failures in the water, natural gas, and communications systems – and vice versa. As we are increasingly seeing, regional outages can last for weeks. 
  • The vulnerabilities across utility systems are poorly understood, which makes it hard to find solutions.

What It Is

We worked with the Air Force to design and run the first defense-focused regional resilience assessment in the country, the Regional Identification of Gaps for Operational Resilience (RIGOR) project.

We mapped the lifeline infrastructure that serves the region around Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson in Alaska in partnership with Idaho National Laboratory (INL).

We then convened dozens of stakeholders to identify and prioritize resilience investments.

Our Impact

RIGOR identified priority projects for joint investment, including a microgrid project at the Port of Alaska.

The microgrid project received feasibility funding from the U.S. Department of Energy, and $5.2 million for construction from the DoD Office of Local Defense Community Cooperation. 

Following RIGOR, we licensed INL’s All-Hazards Analysis tool and have assessed regional resilience in defense communities across the country – from Virginia to Hawaii.

Our Partners

RIGOR was funded by the Air Force Office of Energy Assurance. We worked in partnership with Idaho National Laboratory, Launch Alaska, and dozens of federal, state, and local organizations.


Here are the reports, articles, blogs, or any public deliverables produced because of this work.